
1212 Lot 06 - Kings Cha Cha

2012 December auction

On account of Kings Horses
Bay mare 15/04/09 16hh

This four-year-old mare is by Cildara Conquest, and is a full sister to Kings Champion and half-sister to Kings Legend.  She shows a huge jump as well as great work ethic. If you have inspirations as an Olympic eventer, then this is the horse for you. Check out her relatives competing at the recent Australian National Dressage Championships - Kings Legend, Kings International, Kings Superstar and Kings Guardian. Her half-brother, Kings Legend, is competing Grand Prix and already on the national squad after winning young horse of the year in Qld for two consecutive years, then winning at FEI level as a seven-year-old. He drew the attention of international icons such as Christoff Hess and many others. So here she is, another Conquest production. Chacha is super trainable and easy to ride, already doing flying changes and lateral work. A dream horse to own and handle!

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